DDC-043 “Two-Bit Vinyl Card Case”

DDC-043 “Two-Bit Vinyl Card Case”


Product Description:
We’ve really outdone ourselves on this one. More or less, the “dumbest thing we’ve ever made.” There, we said it. But before you close this window, let us sell you on the magic we’re experiencing with these little doodads. Let us testify.

Here goes: When we’re on the road and need a place to house a stack of business cards, or, need a place for paper scraps found out and about, or, need housing for the “bare essentials” for a mellow night out (credit card, driver’s license and insurance card). Hell, we were just in Kansas City for a couple nights and damned if this little case wasn’t the perfect place for our hotel key! See? Perfect. Our Costanza wallet gets a little out of hand at times loaded up with the whole world, and that’s where this little guy steps up, in a loud way. The dumbest little vinyl card case, maybe ever, just holding exactly what you need.

Our mom uses it for her medical cards. There you go. The list of uses grows and grows. Don’t be caught “caseless” on that next big outing. Get organized with this thing, people.

Product Details:
01. Classic vinyl folding card case.
02. 1-color imprint of “Way White” screen-printed onto “As-Orange-As-Possible” vinyl material.
03. 4" (W) × 2-1/2" (H) in dimension.
04. Virtually indestructible. Well, not really.
05. Agreeable with all pockets.
06. Weird vinyl material. Feels oddly good in the hand.
07. Really, really orange. Says it right on the product, too.
08. Spirited “Ideal For” list of possible contents.
09. Carries really important stuff, if need be. Here’s proof.
10. Technologically-speaking, “One of dumbest items we sell.”
11. Handy at home, or on the road. Versatile.
12. Find a new use for the thing, each time you use it.
13. Looks good in a big bag/purse/rucksack of shit.
14. Proudly manufactured and printed in the U.S.A.

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