DDC-032 “Beverage Wrench”
DDC-032 “Beverage Wrench”
Here’s how this one might go: Work a hard day and get a mountain of stuff done. Then when the whistle blows, crack open a cool one with our “Beverage Wrench.” Kick the feet up. Take it easy. Then laugh off all the hate and disgust felt during the day regarding coworkers, budget cuts or TPS reports. Or, show up to work and crack open a cold one at 9 am. You choose. Works for all beverage enthusiast levels. Plastic. Good for a keychain.
Product Details:
01. Durable plastic bottle opener for yer keychain.
02. 1-color imprint of “Way White” pad-printed onto “As-Orange-As-Possible” plastic.
03. 3-1/2" (W) × 1/2" (H) × 9/16” (D) in dimension.
04. Opens all bottle types.
05. Has a “picker” thing for stuff we don’t know about.
06. Comes with key ring, for, you know, keys and stuff.
07. Sharp enough to “mess someone up” if the need ever arose.
08. Proudly made in the U.S.A.
09. Popular seller at the DDC. Bottoms up!